Wyoming Art Party: A Portrait of Wyoming
Collaboration with EK Wimmer
I find the tenuous nature of existence (human anyways) in Wyoming fascinating. It is the place that I have felt closest to the reality of death in an unremarkable, every day way. It is a fierce place, raw, exposed, wildly gorgeous place. The magic is present in very large and very small things, it is a landscape of extremes with not much room for pretension. One must look closely to find comfort, but it exists - ancient and small, just at the edge of your vision
Tiny House
I built this tiny house using plans from the Tumbleweed Tiny House Company. It took about a year (August 2015-Sept 2017) of weekend and holiday building. I bonded with the many friends who came tohelp, cried not infrequently, learned A LOT and ultimately sold it (just before moving to Amsterdam) to a fantastic human who now happily lives in it in California. If anyone has an interest in building a tiny house, I highly recommend going for it. You can do it! And I’ll happily answer any questions about my building process.
Over the years I have designed multiple painted backdrops for Deva Premal & Miten’s world tours. Each backdrop explores a different a different aspect of spirituality. My interest when creating these backdrops is to accentuate that the paths are many, but the destination is the same. The Temple Diety backdrop is populated by specific deities chosen to create an sacred and supportive atmosphere (from top left: Bramha, Saraswati, Krishna, Nataraj, Narasimha, Ganesh, Panchamukha Hanuman, Buddha).The Temple Arched wall backdrop is a replica of a Temple wall in Vrindavan, the abode of Krishna andRadha. Andthe tree of life backdrop is an amalgamation of Indian, Cambodian, Sri Lankan and Christian views of the universe and the nature of reality
Scenic Backdrop Design
Portable Shrines